In accordance with the Health Professions Act, a hearing is open to the public, unless otherwise directed by the hearing tribunal that it is to be held as a closed hearing.
Notice of Hearing
Here you will find Notice of Hearings for any outstanding matters:
There are no Hearings currently scheduled.
About Hearings
At the conclusion of an investigation, one of the options the Complaints Director has is to refer to a hearing if:
there is a reasonable prospect of establishing the facts necessary to prove the allegations;
the conduct, if proven, constitutes unprofessional conduct, pursuant to Section 1(1)(pp) of the Health Professions Act
A hearing tribunal, consisting of two naturopathic doctor members and three public members, considers evidence and makes a decision as to whether or not the allegations of unprofessional conduct are proven. The tribunal also determines sanctions to impose on the member, as specified in the Health Professions Act, which may include:
Restrictions on the ND's practice
Suspension or cancellation of the ND's practice permit
A monetary fine
Requiring the ND to undertake additional training or practice assessments
Once a tribunal decision has been made, the Complaints Director or the naturopathic doctor may request an Appeal to the Council, provided it is within 30 days of the tribunal decision. If there is no appeal made, the professional conduct process is concluded and the written decision of the tribunal decision is posted on the College's website.